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Myth or Fact?

Acne affects people of all ages, races and socioeconomic backgrounds. Most dermatologists agree that it is a skin disease caused by the excessive production of oil in the skin. Sufferers see everything from pimples to redness to blackheads on their…

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Why We Need To Worry About Parabens

The most ubiquitous ingredient in all the moisturizers, lotions, cleansers, toners, serums, masks, anti aging facial products, shampoos, deodorants, shaving creams and even foundations, mascaras and lipsticks dotting your bathroom shelf has to be parabens. These synthetic chemicals are being…

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10 Steps To Great Skin

o have great skin today is just a dream for most people. With increasing levels of pollution and imbalances in almost every ecological system, the possibility of having good skin has become almost a rarity. The importance you give your…

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